Anti-Age Eye Creams by Dr. Sante Goji Age Control

Anti-Age Eye Creams by Dr. Sante Goji Age Control Crow’s feet and droopy eyelids are among the first signs of ageing because the skin around the eyes is very thin, sensitive, and vulnerable to aggressive environmental factors. To keep it looking healthy and youthful, you need to invest in an anti-age eye cream that will prevent dehydration and loss of skin elasticity. Check out innovative eye creams by Dr. Sante Goji Age Control.

Elfa is a Ukrainian-Polish group of companies that has been one of Ukraine’s leading manufacturers of cosmetics and household chemicals for more than two decades. One of its most popular brands is Dr. Sante. It offers about three dozen lines of skin and hair care products that target a wide range of issues, from dehydration to premature ageing. For example, Goji Age Control is a collection of face and eye creams designed to slow down the ageing process and protect your skin from the harmful effects of free radicals. It includes several eye creams for various age groups.

You should really start thinking about buying an anti-age face cream when you turn 25. Eye creams labelled “25+” are designed to preserve the youthful appearance of your skin and prevent premature wrinkles. At this stage, it is important that your skin gets enough nutrients and moisture. You also need to make sure that it is protected against adverse external factors that can lead to premature ageing.

If you’ve already turned 35 or more, you need to look for an eye cream that not only helps to preserve the natural health and youthfulness of your skin, but also actively slows down the ageing process. Eye cream designed for people aged 35 or older usually contain ingredients that trigger and accelerate skin regeneration and renewal.

Eye creams labelled “45+” have a more powerful anti-age effect. They are formulated with ingredients that help to smooth out fine lines, reduce deep wrinkles and prevent the formation of new ones. Since the skin around the eyes gets even thinner and more vulnerable at this age, it needs intensive nourishment and hydration.

Dr. Sante Goji Age Control eye creams labelled “55+” and “60+” have the most pronounced anti-age effect. Their formulas are designed to provide maximum nourishment and hydration for ageing skin. They contain ingredients with an intensive skin smoothing effect that reduce the appearance of wrinkles and other signs of ageing.

Dr. Sante Goji Age Control presents four anti-age eye creams for various age brackets: 25-35, 45+, 55+ and 60+. Each of these creams has been developed taking account the peculiarities and needs of the delicate skin around the eyes at a certain age, but all creams contain the same key active ingredient that is highly valued for its extraordinary antioxidant properties. We’re taking about goji berry extract.

Goji berries are native to China, where they have long been used in traditional medicine to boost the immune system and treat certain ailments. Today, goji berry extract is a popular cosmetic ingredient due to its antioxidant effect. Skincare products with goji extract make the skin softer and smoother, restore its natural elasticity and firmness, improve the transport of oxygen to skin cells, and neutralise the harmful effects of free radicals, which are one of the main causes of premature skin ageing.

Another important active ingredient that can be found in Dr. Sante Goji Age Control eye creams is hyaluronic acid. It is considered one of the most powerful humectants (hydrating ingredients) and therefore can be found in many eye creams because the skin around the eyes always needs intensive hydration. Hyaluronic acid molecules draw moisture from the air and lock it in, preventing transepidermal water loss. As a result, the skin retains it natural moisture balance and become soft, smooth, supple, and glowing with health.

The effect of goji berry extract and hyaluronic acid in Dr. Sante eye creams is complemented and enhanced by other natural ingredients, such as aloe vera leaf juice, shea butter, rose hip oil, vitamin B3 (niacinamide), vitamin E (tocopherol), konjac extract, and caffeine. All these ingredients have a powerful antioxidant and rejuvenating effect, helping to preserve the natural beauty of your skin.

In our online shop Organic Store, you can buy Dr. Sante Goji Age Control eye creams at a reasonable price. We also have a great selection of eye creams produced by other brands, such as Agor, Dr. Sante 0%, Dr. Sante Aqua Thermal, Dr. Sante ArganOil, Dr. Sante Chamomile, Dr. Sante Cucumber Balance Control, Dr. Sante Oily Rich, Granny Agafia’s Recipes, Green Pharmacy, Planeta Organica Secrets of Arctica, and more.

Dr. Sante Anti-Age Eye Creams in Our Store

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