How to Get Rid of Unpleasant Odours in Your Home

How to Get Rid of Unpleasant Odours in Your Home Unpleasant odours in your house or flat create a feeling of discomfort and may even lead to headaches, nausea, dizziness, and other health problems. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to get rid of bad household odours quickly and efficiently in order to make your house feel like home again.

You can hardly find a person who likes the smell of mould, dirty pet cages and litter boxes, week old trash cans, cigarette smoke, spoilt or burnt food, and so on. And these smells can be more than just unpleasant; as we’ve already mentioned above, they can cause nausea, dizziness, headaches and even migraines, sore throat, cough, etc.

Even if you try to keep your house or flat as clean as possible, accidents happen. So you probably want to know how to get rid of unpleasant household odours, especially persistent ones. Here are a few tips that will help you to keep your home smelling fresh and clean at all times.

So, the very first step toward getting rid of unpleasant household odours is thorough cleaning. You need to find the source of unpleasant odour and do everything possible to eliminate it. For example, if it is the trash can, you need to take out the trash and wash the trash can; if it is the ventilation duct, you need to remove the ventilation grill and give the air duct a thorough cleaning.

When the source of unpleasant odour is the refrigerator, you will have to take everything out of the fridge, defrost and wash it. When it is textiles (for example, curtains), you need to wash them, and so on. Unfortunately, sometimes even the most thorough cleaning doesn’t help when unpleasant odour permeates the entire flat or house.

How do you solve the problem in such a case? There are a few household staples that combat unpleasant odours. They include, for example, baking soda, vinegar, lemon juice, household ammonia, and certain essential oils. These products effectively absorb foul odours and disinfect surfaces. All you need to do is dilute them with water and wipe the source of the odour with the solution after cleaning.

If this doesn’t help and you still feel the smell even after cleaning, try to drown the smell by roasting some coffee beans or grinding already roasted coffee beans. The aroma of coffee creates a cosy atmosphere and “overpowers” foul odours. Even if you simply brew a cup or two of fresh coffee, it might make things better.

If cabinets and dressers are the main source of unpleasant household odours, herbal sachets will help. They not only help to get rid of bad odours, but also protect clothes made of wool or fur from moths. You can also use small bags with spices or dry citrus peels in addition to or instead of herbal sachets.

All of the above-listed products are good enough in their own way, but have one significant drawback: they don’t provide a long-lasting effect. Instead of eliminating the source of the household odour, they disguise the smell, which eventually returns. So if you want to get rid of unpleasant odour once and for all, or at least for a very long time, you should opt for household odour neutralisers. Let’s take a closer look at three brands of odour neutralisers that you can buy in our online shop Organic Store.

For example, BIO odour neutralisers by Pharma Bio Laboratory are based on natural essential oils and have a 2-in-1 effect: they bind the molecules of the unpleasant odour and fill the air with a nice, fresh smell. Such BIO neutralisers can be used in the kitchen and bathroom; they are also safe for use on various textiles, such as curtains, upholstery or clothes in your closet.

Probiotic sprays by Organics help to neutralise unpleasant odours of organic origin thanks to containing special probiotic bacteria that eliminate pathogenic microbes responsible for such odours. Organic sprays are designed for sanitary and hygienic treatment of any household surfaces. They help to eliminate the odours of trash, mould, spoilt or burnt food, grease, nicotine, pets, etc.

Finally, odour neutralisers by BIO Formula effectively eliminate unpleasant unpleasant odours of various origin, from pet smells to smoke and cooking odours. These neutralisers have an instant and long-lasting effect; they don’t disguise bad odours, but completely eliminate their sources. They do not require rinsing and are completely safe for humans, pets and the environment.

Organic Store offers a great selection of odour neutralisers and other household products produced by various brands, such as BIO Formula, Cocos, Eco Control, nO% green home, Organics, Pharma Bio Laboratory, and more. To make your shopping experience as pleasant as possible, we offer affordable prices, secure and convenient payment methods, quick order processing, and international delivery to most parts of the world.

Odour Neutralisers in Our Store


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Pharma Bio Laboratory

Pharma Bio Laboratory