Chocolate Face Masks with Spices by WildLife

Chocolate Face Masks with Spices by WildLife Cocoa beans are most commonly used to prepare chocolate, but that’s not their only use. Both cocoa powder and cocoa butter extracted from the beans are widely used in cosmetics. For example, Ukrainian beauty brand WildLife has a line of chocolate face masks with spices. They are designed to keep the skin looking healthy, fresh and glowing.

Key ingredients contained in WildLife chocolate masks are cocoa powder and white clay (kaolin). Depending on the desired effect, they are also enriched with various spices, such as ginger, cardamom, rosemary, cinnamon, and caraway. Each of these ingredients has a positive effect on the skin.

Cocoa powder, also known as cocoa solids or simply cocoa, is made of what’s left after cocoa butter is extracted from cocoa beans. It is a key ingredient of chocolate, chocolate syrup, and chocolate confections. Cocoa is also valued as a cosmetic ingredient due to its high content of flavonoids, a class of compounds with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Besides, cocoa contains all three main types of nutrients (carbohydrates, fat and protein), minerals (calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, zinc), and caffeine. Face masks with cocoa nourish the skin, make it softer and smoother, stimulate skin regeneration, help to lock in moisture, combat acne and pimples, improve complexion, and prevent premature skin ageing due to their high antioxidant content.

Cocoa also has a light and delicate smell that helps to calm down and relax. So applying a face mask with cocoa powder is more than just part of your skincare routine, it’s an aromatherapy procedure that’s good not only for your skin but also for your nervous system and overall well-being.

Kaolin, also known as white clay, is another widely used cosmetic ingredient due to its adsorbent and anti-inflammatory properties. It is most often found in facial masks for oily, combination, or problem skin. Kaolin helps to normalise sebum secretion, exfoliates dead skin cells, reduces inflammation, unclogs and tightens pores, fights acne and blackheads, improves complexion, and produces a matte effect.

When combined together, white clay and cocoa powder have a great effect on the skin. They make it look and feel healthy and glowing at all times. WildLife Chocolate Face Mask is based on just these two ingredients, and it is already effective. But if you want an even better effect, check out the brand’s chocolate masks with spices.

Different spices have different effects on the skin. For example, ginger improves microcirculation in the epidermis and skin cell metabolism, as well as stimulates skin regeneration. Cardamom soothes irritated skin, prevents inflammation, improves complexion and prevents blemishes, enhances skin elasticity and flexibility. Cinnamon has strong anti-inflammatory properties. It also helps to unclog pores, restores the skin’s natural complexion, and improves skin cell metabolism. Rosemary is rich in organic acids, camphor and other phytochemicals. It inhibits the growth of harmful flora on the skin surface and helps to normalise the skin’s hydro-lipid balance. Finally, caraway has pronounced antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. It prevents acne scars, unclogs and tightens pores, and protects the epidermis.

Chocolate face masks by WildLife are produced in powder form. To prepare the mask, you need to mix 1 part powder with 1.5 parts hot water and stir well. You can apply the mixture to your face, body, scalp and hair, as well as use it for body wraps. You can also add some powder to the bath water to have a relaxing chocolate bath.

You can buy chocolate masks with spices by WildLife in our online shop Organic Store. We also have the brand’s peel-off alginate masks for different skin types. At Organic Store, we offer affordable prices, convenient payment methods, and international delivery.

WildLife Chocolate Masks in Our Store