Handmade Soaps with Mineral Water by Enjoy&Joy

Handmade Soaps with Mineral Water by Enjoy&JoySoap is one of the oldest personal care products known to man. Its recipe has remained largely unchanged over the centuries: to produce soap, vegetable oils or animal fates are treated with an alkaline solution. To make their soaps milder to the skin, manufacturers usually add other ingredients, such as glycerine, herbal extracts, etc. For example, Georgian brand Enjoy&Joy formulates its soaps with Borjomi water.

Borjomi water is water from the artesian springs in the Borjomi Gorge of central Georgia. The springs were discovered by the Imperial Russian military in the early 19th century and quickly became a popular tourist destination. Today, Borjomi water is one of Georgia’s main exports; it is sold in over 40 countries.

The water from the Borjomi springs is naturally carbonated and rich in minerals such as potassium, calcium, silicon, magnesium, sulphur and chlorine. When added to soap, it serves two purposes. First, carbonated water makes the soap milder on the skin. Second, minerals contained in Borjomi water help to restore the skin’s natural protective barrier that prevents dehydration and protects the skin from the environment.

Georgia-based brand of personal care products Enjoy&Joy has created a whole collection of handmade soaps formulated with Borjomi water and other natural ingredients: vegetable oils (olive, coconut, castor, grapeseed, wheat germ, oat kernel, shea butter), essential oils (eucalyptus, bay laurel, rosemary), medicinal herbs (St. John’s wort, chamomile, peppermint, juniper, beggarticks, calendula, cranberry) and even red wine! Let’s take a closer look at some of these soaps.

Hypoallergenic Soap

This is the most basic soap produced by Enjoy&Joy; its only ingredients are saponified (lye-treated) vegetable oils and Borjomi water. Due to this, the product is safe even for people with very sensitive skin, including children. The soap has a very mild cleansing effect. It leaves the skin very soft, smooth and supple, prevents dehydration and flaking, and helps to keep the skin’s natural protective barrier intact.

Borjomi Mud Soap

Alongside Borjomi water, this soap contains highly mineralised mud from the Borjomi springs. In addition to providing your skin with dietary minerals, Borjomi mud acts as a delicate exfoliant, polishing your skin. The soap is also infused with shea butter and wheat germ oil that nourish and moisturise the skin, make it soft and supple. Eucalyptus oil and bay laurel oil have an antibacterial effect and give the soap its fresh smell.

St. John’s Wort, Chamomile & Peppermint Soap

Formulated with a blend of medicinal herbs, this oil has excellent soothing properties. St. John’s Wort and chamomile relieve irritation and inflammation, speed up the healing of minor skin injuries, and produce an antiseptic effect. Peppermint has a pleasant cooling effect on the skin. In addition, the soap contains shea butter and oat kernel oil that help to keep the skin hydrated and make it super soft and supple.

Juniper, Beggarticks & Calendula Soap

This soap also contains herbs with an antiseptic and soothing effect. Beggarticks and calendula infusions are used to bathe babies in some countries because of their ability to stop inflammation and inhibit the growth of pathogenic microbes on the skin surface. Juniper also has an antibacterial effect. In addition, juniper oil gives the soap its fresh smell. The product also contains oat kernel oil and shea butter to make your skin softer.

Wine & Cranberry Soap

This is probably the most unusual soap produced by Enjoy&Joy. Alongside Borjomi water, it contains red wine. Wine is a rich source of antioxidants ant tannins that combat free radicals and boost skin elasticity. Cranberry infusion provides the skin with vitamins, and dried cranberry leaves polish it, making the skin silky smooth. Other natural ingredients contained in the soap include grapeseed oil and shea butter.

All Enjoy&Joy soaps are free of SLS, SLES and other harsh surfactants, animal fat, artificial dyes and fragrances. You can buy them from our online shop Organic Store at a reasonable price. Keep your skin clean and healthy with Enjoy&Joy and Organic Store!

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