How to Prevent Premature Grey Hair

How to Prevent Premature Grey Hair Grey hair is considered one of the signs of ageing, and many people would like to have as few grey hairs as possible, for as long as possible. Today we will tell you how to prevent premature grey hair.

To understand how to prevent premature grey hair, you need to understand why and how hair turns grey. The process of greying is called achromotrichia; it is linked to the production of melanin, the pigment responsible for the colour of your hair and skin. The stem cells at the base of hair follicles produce melanocytes, which, in turn, produce and store melanin. As you age, the melanocyte stem cells begin to die, leading to the onset of greying.

The death of the melanocyte stem cells is normally linked to natural ageing and begins in the late twenties or early thirties. The age at which one’s hair begins to grey is mostly determined by genetics. However, there are external factors that may cause premature grey hair, such as vitamin deficiency, stress, UV damage, and certain medical conditions.

Age-related grey hair cannot be prevented; your hair is bound to start greying sooner or later. However, it is possible to prevent premature grey hair and even reverse the greying process by following a few simple steps. Here they are.

Avoid Stress

Stress, both chronic and acute, has been linked to premature grey hair for a long time. The results of the study of the link between stress and grey hair, funded by the National Institutes of Health, were published in Nature in January 2020. The research did confirm that different types of stress cause noticeable loss of melanocyte stem cells and premature grey hair, although it is not known yet how exactly stress affects stem cells.

So, it would be a good idea to avoid stress as much as possible to prevent premature grey hair. Of course, it is impossible to live a completely stressless life, but some stressors are perfectly avoidable or at least can be reduced. You should also look into stress management techniques that will help you to cope with everyday stress.

Take Care of Your Health

Premature grey hair can be caused by a number of health conditions, such as pituitary and thyroid disorders, gastrointestinal and kidney problems, metabolic disorders, and circulatory disorders, just to name a few. Therefore, it is important to take care of your health and undergo regular medical check-ups to detect any health problems early and get treatment. This will help to prevent not only premature grey hair, but also more serious issues.

Wear Hats (or Headscarves) in Winter and in Summer

During the cold months, blood circulation in the scalp worsens due to low temperatures. As a result, your hair follicles receive less nutrients and the number of melanocyte stem cells decreases. In summer, exposure to UV radiation leads to the accumulation of free radicals that have an adverse affect on melanin synthesis. Covering your hair with a hat or headscarf will protect it from low temperatures and UV exposure and contribute to the prevention of premature grey hair.

Make Sure Your Diet Includes Enough Vitamins and Minerals

Nutrient deficiency is one of the most common causes of premature grey hair. To prevent your hair from greying early, you need to make sure that your diet includes products rich in calcium, copper, chromium, zinc, iodine, iron, B vitamins (especially B12), vitamins C and E, and essential fatty acids, collectively known as vitamin F.

Take Proper Care of Your Hair and Scalp

To prevent premature grey hair, you should use hair care products that provide hair follicles with nutrients and moisture, stimulate microcirculation in the scalp, boost the production of melanin, and protect the hair from harmful environmental factors, such as UV exposure or extreme temperatures.

Such products are formulated with natural ingredients that are known for their ability to slow down the greying process. Some of them have been used in traditional medicine for centuries. Some of the most popular such ingredients include amla (Indian gooseberry), burdock oil, red pepper, rose hip, nettle, garlic, ginger, sage, and various carrier oils (coconut, almond, olive, black sesame, and black cumin).

In our online shop Organic Store, you will find natural and organic hair care products that will help you to prevent premature grey hair and keep your hair healthy and luscious. We also have natural hair dyes with henna and other herbal ingredients that effectively cover grey hair without damaging its structure. At Organic Store, we offer a wide range of cosmetic products at reasonable prices, secure and convenient payment methods, quick order processing, and international delivery to most parts of the world.

Products to Prevent Premature Grey Hair in Our Store


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