Top 6 Winter Skincare Mistakes You Don’t Want to Make

Top 6 Winter Skincare Mistakes You Don’t Want to Make Below zero temperatures outside combined with too warm and dry air indoors take a toll on your skin during the winter months. If you forego proper skincare during the cold season, you will have to deal with redness, flaking, itching, breakouts, and other skin problems. Today, let’s talk about the most common winter skincare mistakes you might be making and figure out how to avoid them.

Mistake No. 1: No Sun Protection

Deciding that your skin doesn’t need sun protection in winter is probably the most common mistake you can make. A lot of people think that they only need skincare products with SPF in summer, when its hot and sunny most of the time, but they are wrong. Your skin needs protection from UV radiation all the year round, including winter.

UV rays are perfectly able to penetrate even a dense layer of snow clouds, and snow and ice on the ground reflect them. Because of this, your skin needs sun protection in winter as much as it does in summer. The moisturiser you use in winter should have an SPF factor appropriate for the weather conditions and your skin type. If your skincare routine includes products with AHAs/BHAs, retinol or vitamin C, your skin needs a higher SPF factor because these ingredients increase skin photosensitivity.

Mistake No. 2: Aggressive Cleansing and Exfoliation

Getting your skin overcleansed and/or overexfoliated is the second common winter skincare mistake. In winter, the skin already suffers from a lack of nutrients, and its protective barrier is weakened due to temperature changes and dry air indoors. If you expose your skin to harsh detergents and abrasives or chemical peels on top of that, it will become even more vulnerable.

It is recommended to switch to mild cleansers formulated with gentle and safe surfactants during winter, as well as to exfoliate your skin no more than once every 7–10 days.

Mistake No. 3: Moisturising Right Before Going Outside

Most people know that you shouldn’t apply moisturiser right before going outside because it needs time to absorb. However, many neglect this rule when they’re in a hurry. During the cold months, this may result in skin dryness, redness, flaking, and itching. This happens because the cold and wind make moisture from the cream or lotion evaporate intensively instead of being absorbed into the skin.

When it’s cold outside, it is recommended to apply moisturiser at least half an hour before leaving your apartment to give it enough time to absorb. And don’t forget to remove excess moisturiser if you’ve accidentally used too much and your skin can’t absorb it all.

Mistake No. 4: Not Moisturising at All

Another common mistake is not using moisturiser at all. According to popular belief, the skin needs nourishment more than it needs moisturising in winter. Because of this, some people stop using moisturisers and serums during the cold months, replacing them with nourishing products with a thick texture, which seem more suitable for winter.

However, this belief is only partially true. While your skin does need more nutrients and denser textures in winter, it doesn’t mean that it needs no moisturising at all. In fact, it is especially important to maintain its hydro-lipid balance in winter. So while you do need to include nourishing products in your winter skincare routine, you also should continue using moisturiser (although switching for a richer, heavier moisturiser is indeed a good idea).

Mistake No. 5: Too Hot Water

The fifth mistake does not concern skincare directly, but it has a significant impact on the condition on your skin. We’re talking about the habit of taking a hot shower or washing your face with hot water right after coming home from the cold. This habit isn’t good for your skin because the sharp contrast of temperatures makes the skin lose moisture and dry out.

A little patience will help you to prevent dehydration. If you need to get warm after spending time in the cold, try hot tea, warm socks and a blanket, and only then take your hot shower or bath. Keep in mind that the water temperature should be no higher than 40 °С and the duration of your bath or shower shouldn’t be longer than 15 minutes. And make sure to apply moisturiser after bathing or showering.

Mistake No. 6: Dry Makeup Products

The sixth and final winter skincare mistake is using dry makeup products. Such products are good at any other time of the year, but not in winter, when the skin is already experiencing a lack of moisture. During the cold months, it is better to use makeup products with liquid and creamy textures that help to protect the skin from the cold and wind.

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